
Study on the geochemical characteristics of ocean-ridge and oceanic-island volcanic rocks in the Nan-Uttaradit zone, northern Thailand 被引量:5

Study on the geochemical characteristics of ocean-ridge and oceanic-island volcanic rocks in the Nan-Uttaradit zone, northern Thailand
摘要 Field investigations and laboratory integrated research as indicated that ophiolite mélange in the Nan-Uttaradit zone, northern Thailand, consists of fragments of tectonites such as metamorphic peridotite (extremely silicified serpentinite), cumulates (pyroxenolite, gabbro, and gabbro-diorite), ocean-ridge basalt, oceanic-island ba-salt and radiolarian silicalite, and it was formed during D3-P. The rock series, rock types and petrogeochemical characteristics of metamorphic tholeiites in the Nan area of the Nan-Uttaradit zone are similar to those of ocean-ridge basalts (C1) in China's Ailaoshan zone. As for the Hawaiites in the Nan area of the Nan-Uttaradit zone, their major elements, REEs and trace elements are similar to those of oceanic-island basalts in China's Jinshanjiang zone (P11). In the Uttaradit area of this zone the metamorphic alkaline basalts show transitional petrogeochemical characteristics between ocean-ridge basalts and oceanic-island basalts, which were still formed in oceanic-island environments. The above-described basalts are all oceanic volcanic rocks and they are the most important part of the Paleo-Tethys oceanic crust in the Nan-Uttaradit zone. Field investigations and laboratory integrated research as indicated that ophiolite melange in the Nan-Uttaradit zone, northern Thailand, consists of fragments of tectonites such as metamorphic peridotite (extremely silicified serpentinite), cumulates (pyroxenolite, gabbro, and gabbro-diorite), ocean-ridge basalt, oceanic-island basalt and radiolarian silicalite, and it was formed during D3-P. The rock series, rock types and petrogeochemical characteristics of metamorphic tholeiites in the Nan area of the Nan-Uttaradit zone are similar to those of ocean-ridge basalts (C0 in China's Ailaoshan zone. As for the Hawaiites in the Nan area of the Nan-Uttaradit zone, their major elements, REEs and trace elements are similar to those of oceanic-island basalts in China's Jinshanjiang zone (Pll). In the Uttaradit area of this zone the metamorphic alkaline basalts show transitional petrogeochemical characteristics between ocean-ridge basalts and oceanic-island basalts, which were still formed in oceanic-island environments. The above-described basalts are all oceanic volcanic rocks and they are the most important part of the Paleo-Tethys oceanic crust in the Nan-Uttaradit zone.
出处 《Chinese Journal Of Geochemistry》 EI CAS 2010年第2期175-181,共7页 中国地球化学学报
基金 by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos. 40372105 and 40772143)
关键词 岩石地球化学特征 洋岛玄武岩 火山岩 洋脊 泰国 放射虫硅质岩 微量元素 蛇绿混杂岩 Nan-Uttaradit zone, northem Thailand China's Ailaoshan and Jinshajiang zones ocean-ridge and oceanic islandbasalts geochemical characteristic
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