
基于X光图像的骨龄评估系统设计与实现 被引量:11

Design and Implementation of a Bone Age Evaluation System Based on X-ray Images
摘要 骨龄评价在预防医学、临床医学、体育科学和司法领域等中有着广泛的应用,基于图像处理技术的骨龄识别系统是目前骨龄评价的发展趋势。提出一个基于手部X光图像骨龄自动评价算法,并设计和实现一个骨龄评价系统。骨龄算法依据我国常用的骨龄评价方法CHN法,提取手部X光图像的骨骺特征作为骨龄特征参数,运用SVM方法进行骨龄识别。系统具有全自动评估、可视化的特点,同时允许用户在评估过程中对骨骺特征点位置进行可视化交互调整。试验表明,骨龄识别率已经满足实际应用的要求。该系统已成功应用于体育运动选才。 The bone age assessment is widely applied in the preventive medicine, clinical medicine, physical science, justice field. The tendency of current bone assessment is the bone age assessment system based on the X--ray hand images. This paper proposes an automatic bone age assessment algorithm, designs and implements a bone age assessment system. Based on the Chinese National bone assessment standard--CHN standard, the paper extracts the epiphyses features as the feature parameters of bone age, and utilizes the SVM to recognize the bone age. The assessment system is characterized by the automatic assessment and visualization, and allows the user to interactively update the coordinate of epiphyses feature points during the assessment process. The experiment Results demonstrate that the bone age recognition rate has meet the requirement of the practical application. The system has been successfully applied in the sport recruiting.
出处 《计算技术与自动化》 2010年第1期67-71,共5页 Computing Technology and Automation
基金 国家科技支撑计划重点项目资助(2008BAH29B00)
关键词 CHN法 骨龄识别 支持向量机 图像分割 骨骺提取 CHN standard bone age SVM image segmentation epiphyses extraction
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