
基于方向图综合和空域插值的大型阵多波束形成技术 被引量:1

Multi-Beam Forming for Large Array Based on Pattern Synthesis and Spatial Interpolation
摘要 为了克服大型阵阵元级多波束形成的造价,复杂度和子阵级多波束形成的抑制栅瓣困难的问题,提出了一种方向图综合与空域插值相结合的方法,该方法既可以实现在任意方向上形成多个波束,又可以避免使用大量的数字权,简化了波束形成网络,具有较高的工程实用价值。计算推导和仿真结果均表明此方法是有效的。 In order to reduce cost and complexity of the large array due to element level multi-beam forming and solve side-lobe suppression problem caused by subarray level multi-beam forming, a multi-beam forming method based on pattern synthesis and spatial interpolation is proposed. The new method can not only achieve multiple beams in arbitrary direction, avoid using a large amount of digital weights; but also simplify the beam forming network. Simulation results show that the new method is effective for the large array multi-beam forming, and it is applicable in practical engineering.
出处 《火控雷达技术》 2010年第1期74-78,共5页 Fire Control Radar Technology
基金 国家863计划项目(2007AA701403) 国防科技预研基金(41101070202 41101020101)
关键词 大型阵 方向图综合 空域插值 多波束 large array pattern synthesis spatial interpolation multi-beam
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