
当代中国道士培训教程的特征与意义 被引量:4

The Characteristics and Significance of Contemporary Chinese Taoist Training Curriculum
摘要 旨在以道士培训教程的变化为例证,说明中国传统的知识论及与其相配套的本体论被现代性的知识论、本体论所取代的一种可能的方式。通过比较宋明以后出家道士的宫观教育教程、火居道士的家族教育教程以及A市道教学院所代表的现代学校教育教程,提出现代学校教育教程所体现的是以"文本知识"为中心的知识论及其相配套的二元论本体论,与宫观传统的"戒律威仪"教育和家族传统的"科仪技艺"教育所体现的多层次一元论是截然不同的;所以现代学校教育模式的引进对道教来说无宁是革命性的,而这一革命性的举措的原因,文章申论,是现代国家体制所建构的后传统社会所培育出的过度亢进的反身性及其衍生的论说强迫症。 This paper attempts to illustrate the possible way that the traditional Chinese epistemology and its assembly of ontology are replaced by the modem ones by using the changes existed in the Chinese Taoist training curriculum as an exam- ple. Through comparing the curriculums of the monastic education tradition of medieval Taoism, the family apprentice tradi- tion of pre-modern Taoism after the Ming Dynasty with Taoist college in A City on behalf of the modern education method, the author considers that the modem education method embodied in the ' text knowledge' as the center of epistemology and its assembly of dualism ontology is totally different from the multi-level monism represented by monastic traditional educa- tion and family traditional education. Therefore, it is revolutionary to introduce modem school education model to Taoism. The reason for this revolutionary measures is that the post-traditional society constructed by modem state system fosters ex- cessive hyper-reflexivity and its derivatives of discourse obsessive-compulsive disorder.
作者 杨德睿
出处 《中国农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2010年第1期29-43,共15页 Journal of China Agricultural University;Social Sciences
基金 南京大学985工程二期哲学社会科学创新基地"宗教与文化研究中心"项目资助
关键词 道教学院 教育 教程 知识论 本体论 自反性 Taoist college Education Curriculum Epistemology Ontology Reflexivity
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