

Web Service Composition Architecture Based on Life Cycle
摘要 Web服务合成使Web服务的重用和组装以及提供增值服务成为可能。提出一个完善、有效的Web服务合成系统架构对于Web服务合成的发展和研究有着重要作用。根据Web服务合成生命周期的3个阶段,提出和讨论了一个基于Web服务合成生命周期的系统架构。该架构支持合成服务流程的建模、合成和执行调用。在建模阶段,使用可视化的流程定义器,经过图形解释器和定义语言文档解析后存入服务仓储。在合成阶段,考虑到异构问题引入基于本体的服务匹配器,还考虑到合成服务的服务质量(QoS)管理,因此使用基于多值背景值依赖的方法来查找符合用户偏好的服务。在执行阶段为了保证合成服务的正确执行,提供了监控器、异常处理器和事务适配器。 Web service composition makes it possible for Web service reused, assembled and providing value-added service. It is important to propose a complete,validate architecture for development and research of Web service composition. A Web service composition architecture based on the life cycle was proposed. The architecture supports process modeling,composition and execution. At the phase of modeling a GUI tool was provided to define the process which then was parsed by document parser to be stored in the service storage. In the composition phase services matcher based on ontology was introduced to solve service heterogeneous problem, and QoS of composite service was also considered. In the execution phase process monitor, exception handler and transaction adapter were provided.
作者 杨丹 申德荣
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期128-131,共4页 Computer Science
基金 国家863项目(2008AA01Z146)资助
关键词 WEB服务合成 生命周期 架构 服务质量 Web service composition, Life cycle,Architecture, QoS
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