
结膜下注射AMD 3100对小鼠角膜碱烧伤血管新生的治疗作用 被引量:1

Effects of subconjunctival injected AMD 3100,a specific antagonist of CXCR4,on alkali-induced corneal neovascularization in mice
摘要 目的探讨结膜下注射AMD 3100对小鼠角膜碱烧伤血管新生的治疗作用及其机制。方法采用碱烧伤法诱导小鼠角膜血管新生(CNV)形成。在碱烧伤后当天,治疗组和对照组分别在球结膜下注射AMD 3100 5μg(10μL)和生理盐水(10μL),每日1次,连续用药7 d。裂隙灯显微镜下观察不同时间点角膜炎症指数。病理组织学检查观察炎症细胞数量,并采用免疫组化检测角膜组织微血管密度。结果实验组在碱烧伤后不同时间点的炎症指数、炎症细胞数量和微血管密度均明显少于对照组(P<0.05)。结论AMD 3100可有效抑制CNV,可能与减轻碱烧伤后炎症反应有关。 Objective To investigate the anti-angiogesis effects of subconjunctival injectedAMD 3100 on alkali-induced corneal neovascularization in mice. Methods Alkali burn was applied to induce the formation of cornea neovasculafization (CNV) in mice. On the day after alkali bum, AMD 3100 5 μg ( 10 μL) and normal saline 10 μl were respectively injected into subconjunctival tissue of mice, one time every other day, seven times in total. Corneal inflammation index was observed under slit lamp at different time points. The numbers of inflammatory cells were detected by histopathological examination, and microvessel density (MVD) in the cornea was observed by immunohistochemistry. Results At different time points after alkali burn, corneal inflammation index, inflammatory cells and MVD of experimental group were significant- ly less than of the control group ( P 〈 0. 05 ). Conclusion AMD3100 can effectively inhibit the growth of CNV, which may be a result of the decrease of inflammatory response after alkali bum.
作者 彭亮红 柳林
出处 《眼外伤职业眼病杂志》 2010年第3期161-165,共5页 Journal of Injuries and Occupational Diseases of the Eye with Ophthalmic Surgeries
关键词 AMD 3100 角膜碱烧伤 角膜血管新生 AMD3100 alkuli burn corneal neovasculariza- tion
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