
鱼道应用现状和研究进展 被引量:67

Situation and Development of Fishway Research and Application
摘要 通过国内外鱼道研究、应用资料以及现场调研,比较详细地介绍了国内外鱼道设施的建设、发展过程和鱼道结构所包含的主要类型;列出了国内外多个鱼道隔板型式和相应的水力特性;总结了鱼道设计的一般性原则;分析了国内外鱼道过鱼条件和适用情况的差异以及我国鱼道设计中存在的问题等。最后提出在现阶段及今后,我国水利水电工作者需要的鱼道设计资料以及开展鱼道研究的主要内容。 In this paper, according to the research and application of fishway at home and abroad, and in combina- tion with in-situ research, the construction, development process and main structure types of the fish-passing facili-ties are detailed introduced, the fishway board type, its corresponding hydraulic characteristics and the general principles of fishway design are listed, the differences of application conditions and the design issues involving in the fishway are analyzed. Finally it is proposed that the research and design of the fishway should be enhanced to a new step at present and in the future.
出处 《长江科学院院报》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期28-31,35,共5页 Journal of Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute
基金 2008年长江科学院基本科研业务费资助项目(YWF200812)
关键词 鱼道 现状 鱼道设计原则 fishway current situation fishway design principle
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