20世纪末,伴随着体育产业在国民经济中的地位和作用的提升,体育市场的日渐繁荣,体育管理与经营的研究已成为了国际体育和管理领域的一门新兴的学科。以Web of Science(SCI、SSCI、A&HCI)中1990到2008年收录的体育管理学论文的引文为研究对象,研究了体育管理学论文的地区和时间分布。利用信息可视化方法,用信息可视化工具CiteSpace对论文的引文数据进行文献共被引分析,通过对知识群的分析,结合关键节点所代表的相关学者及其专著或论文,探索迄今体育管理与经营的国际研究前沿与热点。
Since the end of the 20th century, sports industry has played a more and more important part in the Chinese domes- tic economy. The researches of the sports management and operation of research has become an emerging discipline in the field of international sport and management science. The data records retrieved from Web of Science (SCI, SSCI, A & HCI) since 1990 to 2008 about the management of sports. The paper studies the distribution of the time and the geographic regions of the published papers. By using the tool of information visualization CiteSpacelI, the total quoted analysis is done. Also, through the knowledge base, combined with the key nodes represented by the relevant academic works and monographs, the paper has explored the cutting- edge research area in international sport and management science.
Journal of Guangzhou Sport University