Objective To explore the relationship between genetic polymorphisms in methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) ,a central enzyme in folate metabolism that affects DNA methylation and synthesis, and the risk of Breast Cancer. Methods Genomic DNA was isolated from the peripheral lymphocytes of 65 patients with Breast Cancer and 143 control subjects. Polymcrise chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism were used to examine the polymorphisms of MTHFR genes C6677T and A1298C and the relation between these genotypes and risk of Breast Cancer was analyzed. Results The distribution of MTHFR C677T and A1298C genotype was not sinnificantly different between the two groups. Conclusion Sinnle nucleotide polymorphism in the MTHFR gene is not a risk factor of Breast Cancer. thus showing that no a joint effect exists between the MTHFR677 and 1298 polymorphisms on the risk of Breast Cancer.
Modern Hospitals