
凡纳滨对虾虾头协同水解工艺的响应面优化 被引量:4

Study on technology of synergism hydrolysis of Litopenaeus vannamei head by response surface optimization
摘要 利用风味蛋白酶协同虾头内源酶水解凡纳滨对虾虾头,制备水解度高、苦味值低的新型虾风味食品基料。以苦味感官为指标,采用响应面法研究pH、温度、底物浓度对产物水解度和苦味的影响。在pH值6.92,温度52.5℃,底物浓度为22.25g/100mL的条件下,每克虾头添加144U风味蛋白酶水解3h,与自溶水解液相比,水解度增加了6.4%,苦味值降低了48.5%,游离氨基酸总量增加了16.8%,疏水性氨基酸总量增加了4.5%。风味蛋白酶可以协同虾头内源酶水解凡纳滨对虾虾头,制备出水解度高、苦味值低的水解液。 To hydrolyze Litupenaeus vannamei head by flavourzymc and endogenous enzyme, product new shrimp food basic material with high degree of hydrolysis and low bitterness. Based on single factor experiment results, response surface methodology(RSM) was used to study the effects of pH, temperature and substrate concentration on degree of hydrolysis and bitterness of bydrolysate using hitter sense as index. Under the eondition of pH 6.92. temperature 52.5 ℃ and substrate concentration 22.25 g/100 mL, adding 144 U flavourzyme per gram shrimp head, hydrolyais tended to be fini.~hed within 3h. Compared with autolysis, the degree of hydrolysis, total free amino acids and total hydrophobie amino acids of synergism hy drolysis increased by 6.4%, 16.8 % and 4.5 % respectively. And bitter value decreased by 48.5%. Litapenaeus vannamei head could be hydrolyzed by flavourzyme and endogenous enzyme and hydrolysate with high degree of hydrolysis and low bitterness could be abtained. RSM could establish a quadric regression between bitterness and factors which fit well with the synergism hydrolysis.
出处 《食品与机械》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期18-21,共4页 Food and Machinery
基金 "十一五"国家科技支撑计划项目(编号:2007BAD29B09)
关键词 凡纳滨对虾虾头 协同水解 风味蛋白酶 内源酶 苦味 Litopenaeus vannamei head Synergism hydrolysis Flavourzyme Endogenous enzyme Bitterness
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