

Comparative Study on the Effect of Rligion on the Patients with Mental Illness and their Families
摘要 目的调查精神疾病患者和家属的一般资料、宗教行为及心理健康情况,探讨宗教信念对其影响。方法对在北京回龙观医院门诊就诊的患者和陪同家属通过面谈选择符合入组条件的各56例。自制问卷调查两组人员的一般资料及宗教信仰情况,将其特征进行配对比较。两组使用症状自评量表(SCL-90)[1]自评,所得数据进行配对比较。家属组使用亲属应激量表(RSS)[2]自评。结果1家属组的RSS总分均值为17.00±5.98;2SCL-90中抑郁、焦虑和躯体化3个因子分的均值比较,家属组分别为2.27±0.08、1.91±0.14和1.21±0.11,大于患者组(0.64±0.06,1.56±0.13和0.92±0.08);3两组一般资料主要特征的比较:无配偶者中,患者有54例(96.4%),家属有50例(82.4%);无业或不上学者中,患者有51例(91.1%),家属有31例(55.4%);4宗教方面主要特征的比较:作祈祷或静修者中,患者有56例(100%),家属有40例(71.4%);认为信仰宗教能获得心理支持者中,患者有45例(80.4%),家属有48例(85.7%)。结论精神疾病患者和家属处于心理应激状态,其宗教信念和行为具有一定的心理功能作用。 Objective To investigate the patients with mental illness and their families with general information,religious behavior and mental health,and explore its impact on religious beliefs. Methods A total of 56 cases of patients and their families into the group in accordance with the standards of choice in our hospital out-patient treatment were questioned.Questionnaire survey of general information and religious belief of the two groups were conducted,and the characteristics were compared.SCL-90 and the family group use RSS were used.Results ①Relatives Stress Scale (RSS) mean scores were 17.00±5.98.②The scores of SCL-90 in depression,anxiety and somatization factor of three means of comparison:the family group scored 2.27±0.08,1.91±0.14 and 1.21±0.11,they were more than the patients group(0.64±0.06,1.56±0.13 and 0.92±0.08).③Comparison of two groups of general information:patients without a spouse accounted for 54 cases (96.4%),non-spouse family members accounted for 50 cases (82.4%),patients unemployed or out of school accounted for 51 cases (91.1%),unemployed or out of school families accounted for 31 cases (55.4%).④Comparison of the characteristics of religious belief:for prayer,the patients accounted for 56 cases (100%) and family members accounted for 40 cases (71.4%);believed that religion can had access to psychological support:patients accounted for 45 cases (80.4%),family members accounted for 48 cases (85.7%).Conclusion Patients with mental illness and their families were in a state of psychological stress,their religious beliefs and behavior have a certain psychological function,psychiatrists should give them understanding and concern.
作者 丁利陆 肖迅
出处 《中国健康心理学杂志》 2010年第3期267-269,共3页 China Journal of Health Psychology
关键词 精神疾病 患者 家属 宗教 心理功能 对照 Mental illness Patients Families Religion Psychological function Control
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