

On Supplemental Principle by International Criminal Court Jurisdiction——Take Daerfuer Question as Example
摘要 国际刑事法院是人类社会第一个长期的独立的国际刑事司法机构,尽管其管辖的罪行只有四种,但其管辖权的行使仍然难免与国家司法主权发生法律冲突。因此,尊重国家司法主权和维护国际法律秩序就成为了国际刑事法院的历史使命。为此,国际刑事法院将其管辖权的行使定位在补充性这一前提之上。本文结合国际刑事法院对达尔富尔问题的管辖事例,阐述了国际刑事管辖权的发展及国际刑事法院管辖权补充性原则的创立和具体表现,并就管辖权补充性原则在实践中如何应用提出了自己见解,同时也对国际刑事法院对达尔富尔问题的管辖是否具有法理支撑明确了自己的观点。 The International criminal court is the human society first long - term independence international criminal justice organization, although its jurisdiction crime only then four kinds, but its jurisdiction exercised still unavoidably had the legal conflict with the rational judicature sovereignty. Therefore, the respect country judicature sovereignty and the maintenance international law order has become the International criminal court historical mission. Therefore, the International criminal court exercises its jurisdiction locates above supplemen- tal this premise. This article unifies the International criminal court to the Daerfuer question jurisdiction instance, elaborated the international criminal jurisdiction's development and the International criminal court juris-diction supplemental prineiple's establishment and the concrete manifestation, how and did apply in reality on the jurisdiction supplemental principle proposed oneself opinion, simultaneously also to International criminal court to Daerfuer question jurisdiction whether to have the legal principle theory of law support to be clear about own viewpoint.
出处 《内蒙古民族大学学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第1期86-90,共5页 Journal of Inner Mongolia Minzu University:Social Sciences
关键词 达尔富尔 国际刑事管辖权 国际刑事法院管辖权 补充性原则 Daerfuer International criminal jurisdiction International criminal court jurisdiction supplemental principle
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  • 1曾令良.国际法发展的历史性突破——《国际刑事法院规约》述评[J].中国社会科学,1999(2):141-152. 被引量:41
  • 2喻贵英.国际刑法执行模式探析[J].法律科学(西北政法大学学报),1998,20(6):73-80. 被引量:11
  • 3平.联合国安理会435号决议[J].西亚非洲,1982(4):78-78. 被引量:2
  • 4朱文奇.国际刑事法院的成立和国际刑法的发展[J].政治与法律,2003(1):148-149. 被引量:10
  • 5[4]J. Crawford. "The ILC's Draft Statute for an International Criminal Court," 88 American Journal of International Law (1994); and J. Crawford, "The ILC Adopts a Statute for an International Criminal Court," 89 American Journal of International Law (1995).
  • 6[5]David Davenport. "The New Diplomacy," Policy Review 116 (December 2002-January 2003).
  • 7[9]David B. Rivkin Jr. and Lee A. Casey, "The Rocky Shoals of International Law," National Interest (Winter 2000-2001).
  • 8[10]The latter criticism was made all the more intuitive by the fact that the German expression for "international law" is V?lkerrecht, which, like the classical Latin expression jus gentium, translates literally as "law of peoples."
  • 9[11]Cited in Karen Raible, V?lkerrechtliche Praxis der Bundesrepublik Deutschland im Jahre 1998 (Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law), consultable at http://www.mpiv-hd.mpg.de/en/prax1998/epr98_.cfm#stern. See chapter I, "V?lkerrechtsquellen, Grundlagen der v?lkerrechtlichen Beziehungen."
  • 10[18]这一点也不令人惊讶,因为我们从法院赞助者的目的可看出,德国官方愿独自地承担20% 的法院预算. 在 2001 年,一位名叫汉斯- 彼得.Kaul的德国官员、同时也是一个 ICC 法官,引用了美国对联合国预算的贡献高达22-25%的例子. (参见汉斯- 彼得 Kaul , "D Aufbau des internationalen Strafgerichtshof" , Vereinte Nationen ,2001年12月). In what amounted to an admission that it expected this financial support to translate into influence, the Foreign Office published a bulletin (reproduced in facsimile in the Kaul article) announcing that Germany would be able to "fill" a more or less commensurate portion - "around 20 percent" - of the court's administrative positions and providing a Foreign Office contact for potential candidates. A revised version of the bulletin dated November 2003 cites a more modest figure of 11 percent, presumably referring only to Germany's assessed contribution, and stresses that it is merely an "aim" of the Foreign Office to see that German citizens compose an equivalent portion of the court's personnel.









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