
社会判断中启发式与偏差的再认识 被引量:2

Rethinking heuristics and bias in social judgments
摘要 文章对判断决策研究范式发展的三个阶段中启发式与偏差的地位进行了小结,从中引出社会判断的轴心和焦点——启发式与偏差,并结合新近研究对各种启发式与偏差进行了分类与总结,给偏差以客观评价,通过对偏差与错误在结果指向性、发展性、普遍性和适应性上存在差异的分析,论证了偏差不等于错误的观点。 The article summarizes the status of heuristics and biases in the three phases of judgment and deci- sion-making paradigm, from which the axis and focus of the social judgment are drawn heuristics and biases, and based on progress in the research, the paper classifies and sum up various heuristics and biases in an objective way. Then after analyzing four differences between biases and mistakes, it argues that that biases are not equal to mistakes.
出处 《广州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第3期64-68,共5页 Journal of Guangzhou University:Social Science Edition
关键词 社会判断 启发式 偏差 错误 social judgment heuristics biases mistakes
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