1Dorothy Smith, Discourse (Buckingham & Philadelphia: Open University Press, 1990), p. 165.
2Jean Baker-Miller, On Women's .New Psychology,(Penguin Harmondsworth, 1978), p.45.
3Thomas Broadhurst, "Advlce t; Young Ladies on the Improvement of the Mind and Conduct of life," Behavioral Ideology: Essays on Literature and Sexuality History, ed.Nancy Armstrong & Leonard Tennenhouse ( London: Marshal Press, 1987), p. 106.
4Toni Morrison, Song of Solomon (London: Chatto & Windus Ltd., 1977),p. 10.
6Rosemarie K. Lester, " An Interview with Toni Morrison ," Critical Essays on Toni Morrison , ed. Nellie Y.Mckay (Boston, Massachusetts: G. K. Hall & Co., 1988),p.54.
7Bell Hooks, Feminism Theory: From Margin to Center (Boston: South End Press, 1984), p.26.
8Elaine Showalter, "Toward a Feminist Poetics,"The New Feminist Criticism : Essays on Women, Literature and Theory, ed. Elaine Showalter (New York: Pantheon Books, 1985), p. 131.
9Crolyn Denard, "The Convergence of Feminism and Ethnicity in the Fiction of Toni Morrison," Critical Essays on Toni Morrison, ed. Nellie Y. Mckay, p. 171.
10Michel Foucault, "Truth and Power," Michel Foucault : Truth Power Strategy, ed. Micken Moris & Paul Patton (Sydney: Fara Press, 1979) ,p. 36.
2Hengen Shannan. Margaret Atwood s Power: Mirrors, Reflection and Images in Select Fiction and Poetry[M]. Toronto: Second Story Press, 1993.
3Mclntyre Susan Kathryn. Angels and Sisters No More.. Power among Women in Atwood s The Handmaid' s Tale, Cat' s Eye, and The Robber Bride [ D ]. Fresno.- School of Arts and Humanities, California State University, 1997.
4Serrano-Garcla Irma. The Ethics of the Powerful and the Power of Ethics [J]. American Journal of Community Psychology, 1994(22) : 1-20.
5Atwood Margaret. Cat's Eye[M]. New York: Banam Books, 1989.
6Osborne Carol. Constructing the Self through Memory: Cat' s Eye as a Novel of Female DevelopmentFJ. Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies, 1994,14(3): 95-112.
7Foucault Michel. Discipline g Punish: The Birth of the Prison[M]. Trans. Alan Sheridan. New York.. A Division of Random House, Inc. , 1977: 202-203.
8Moss Betty. "Binary Opposition" Encyclopedia of Feminist Literary Theory [M]. New York London: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1997.. 45.
9Rao Eleonora. Strategies for Identity.. The Fiction of Margaret Atwood [ M]. New York.. Peter Land Publishing, 1994.- 152.