
新文化史家视野中的技术 被引量:1

Technology in the New Cultural Historian's Visions
摘要 科技史与一般史的融通已成为近年来倡导科技史"再建制化"的学者们着力解决的重大问题。为此文章从新文化史取向出发,当代新文化史家思考技术的视角和方法,涉及物质文化视角的技术史研究;日常生活中身体对技术体验的研究;以及书籍史阅读史视角的技术史研究。 The integration between general history and history of science/technology has become an important problem that some scholars who are advocating vigorously to "re-institutionalizing" history of science/technology put forth efforts to deal with. So from the pespective of New Cultural history, the article discussed some approaches and methods which some new cultural historians investigated technology in history, ineluding studies on technology from material cultural approach, studies on technology-body experiences in everday life, and studies on technology from the approach of history of the book and reading.
作者 陈玉林
出处 《自然辩证法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第3期39-44,共6页 Studies in Dialectics of Nature
关键词 新文化史 技术史 文化研究 new cultural history(socio-cultural history) history of technology cultural studies
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