
两种化疗方式治疗中晚期胰腺癌预后的多因素分析 被引量:2

A Study on the Relative Factors Affecting the Prognosis of Advanced Pancreatic Carcinoma Treated by Different Mode of Chemotherapy
摘要 目的:探讨影响中晚期胰腺癌预后的相关因素。方法:回顾性分析2007年1月至2009年6月间本院经临床、病理和影像学诊断证实的189例中晚期胰腺癌患者,单因素分析采用Kaplan-Meier法,两组间生存率曲线比较的假设检验采用log-rank法;多因素分析采用Cox比例风险回归模型。结果:多因素分析提示:伴有阻塞性黄疸、CA19-9≥500U/ml、化疗方式为独立的预后因子(P<0.05),相对危险度分别为:1.773、1.702、0.132。结论:伴有阻塞性黄疸、CA19-9≥500U/ml为中晚期胰腺癌治疗后生存的危险因素,而化疗方式为患者长期生存的保护因素。 Objective: To find out the factors influencing survival tirue of advanced pancreatic carcinoma. Methods:From January 2005 to Jun 2009,189 patiants were enrolled in the ctinJeal research,all of whom were suffering from advanced pancreatic carcinoma,which was identified by pathology diagnosis,clinical diagnosis and imaging diagnosis. The prognostic factors were analyzed by Cox proportional hazard model. Results: Multivariate analysis disclosed the correlation of survival with CA19-9≥500U/ml obstructive jaundice and mode of chemotherapy for pancreatic lesions(P〈0.05),with the relative hazard of 1.773,1 .702,and 0.132.Conclusion:CA 19-9 ≥ 500U/rot obstructive jaundice and mode of chemotherapy can be used to predict the prognosis of advanced pancreatic carcinoma
作者 丁强 胡先贵
出处 《中国医药导刊》 2010年第2期211-212,共2页 Chinese Journal of Medicinal Guide
关键词 胰腺癌 预后 化疗 COX比例风险回归模型 advanced pancreatic carcinoma prognosis chemoterapy Cox proportional hazard model
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