本文回顾了从亚里士多德形式逻辑的"工具论"到康德的先验逻辑的转型,并以此来理解黑格尔辩证逻辑对形式逻辑的改造,认为黑格尔的逻辑学并不是要抛弃或解构形式逻辑,而是要改造形式逻辑,把形式逻辑描述为一个更大范围内的逻辑的一个层次、一个发展阶段,并从本体论的基础来理解形式逻辑的那些形式底下的内在含义。黑格尔用辩证法为形式逻辑奠基,抓住一个"存在"(Se in)、一个"矛盾"(Widerspruch),就抓住了根本。从对上述这两个概念的本体论理解出发,黑格尔对形式逻辑的整套规律进行了逐个的重新解释,指出形式逻辑只有从内容方面来理解才有认识上的价值和意义,而这也就意味着它只有建立在辩证逻辑的基础上才有意义。
The paper gives a review of the transformation from Aristotle's 'Organon'(instrument) of formal logic to Kant's transcendental logic and interprets Hegel's dialectical logic's reform of formal logic.The paper holds that Hegel's logic aims to reform formal logic rather than abandon or deconstruct it.Hegel's logic describes formal logic in a wider scope at another level of development and interprets the implications of formal logic in the ontological perspective.Hegel adopts dialectics as the foundation of formal logic and focuses on Sein and Widerspruch which are the keys to such philosophical studies.Hegel's incisive ontological interpretation of the two concepts in formal logic reveals that the epistemological value and significance of formal logic relies on the interpretation of its contents,that is,its significance relies on dialectical logic.
The Journal of Yunnan University:Social Sciences Edition