
2008年温州市肠道病毒EV71型感染的检测与分析 被引量:3

Detection and analysis enterovirus 71 infection in general in Wenzhou city in 2008
摘要 目的:监测2008年温州市EV71感染情况,建立温州市手足口病EV 71型检测系统,预防和控制温州市EV71的大规模流行。方法:将样本中病毒进行核酸提取,通过荧光定量PCR、RT-PCR扩增及其电泳,分别检测肠道病毒通用型和EV71型、Cox A16;对EV71型病毒进行VP1测序和亚型分析。结果:检测284份标本的核酸样品,有179份样品为肠道通用病毒阳性,85份样品EV71阳性,4份样品CoxA16阳性。结论:温州市EV71感染主要集中在沿海区域,春夏季高发,易感人群为5岁以下儿童,主要流行的基因型为C4亚型。 Objective:Investigation on enterovirus 71(EV 71) infection in general in Wenzhou city in 2008,to establish EV 71 subtype of Hand,foot and mouth disease(HFMD) detection system,control and prevent large-scale prevalence of EV 71.Methods:To extract nucleic acid from virus as template of fluorescence quantitative PCR(FG-PCR) and RT-PCR,the amplification fragments were analyzed by DNA agrose gel electrophoresis.to detect enterovirus,EV71 and Cox A16,lastly,to sequence the PCR product of VP1 gene so confirm EV 71 subtype.Results:Among the 284 samples,179 samples were proved to be EV,85 samples to be EV71,4 samples to be CoxA16.Conclusion:The prevalence region of EV71 was coastland in Wenzhou City,the spring and summer of EV71 infection was the peak period,less than 5 years old children were susceptible for EV71,sequence analysis of vp1 gene of EV71 show the poluar subtype in wenzhou was C4 subtype.
出处 《中国卫生检验杂志》 CAS 2010年第3期645-647,共3页 Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology
基金 项目仙居(2008C04)
关键词 肠道病毒感染 EV 实时荧光定量 RT-PCR DNA电泳 手足口病 温州市 感染情况 检测 易感人群 EV EV71 Real-time fluorescence quantitative RT-PCR DNA electrophoresis
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