Objective To design the community-based tele-screening system for diabetic retinopathy and evaluate the feasibility of it. Methods Cross-sectional study. The tele-screening system was based on non-mydriatic digital eye fundus camara photography and computer network technology. 109 type 2 diabetes mellitus residents were randomly selected for system evaluation, which included : ( 1 ) The consistency of the far visual acuity examined by an ophthalmologist and a trained inspector, evaluated by paired t-sample test; the consistency of diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy by tele-screening system and traditional screening method by ophthalmoscope, slit-lamp bimicroscope combined with non-contact lens after pupil dilation, evaluated by kappa value and intraclass coefficient correlation. (2)The proper compression ratio of the fundus photographs transferring through the internet, evaluated by intraclass coefficient correlation. (3)The working time for the tele-screening on the residents, comparing with the traditional screening method. Results The visual acuities of the 218 eyes in 109 residents examined by an ophthalmologist were 〈 0. 05 in 13 eyes, between 0. 05 and 0. 3 in 61 eyes, f〉 0. 3 in 144 eyes. No significant difference was found between the vision acuity given by different examiner ( t = - 0. 572, P = 0. 568). 52 eyes were diagnosed as DR by traditional screening method, while 51 eyes were diagnosed as DR by the tele-screening method, so in DR diagnosis, high consistency were found with kappa value as 0. 885, 95% CI 0. 807 to 0. 963, and in DR degree diagnosis with ICC value as 0. 91, 95% CI 0. 85 to 0. 94. The most compression ratio of fundus photographs was as low as 15% (526 × 350). It took 5 to 7 minutes for the tele-screening system to examining and giving diagnosis of a diabetes mellitus resident, a little bit sooner than traditional screening method. Conclusions This community-based tele-sereening system can meet the requirements of mass screening for diabetic retinopathy.
Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology
上海市视觉复明临床医学中心课题(FM-040102-305) 志谢香港眼科慈善基金会及何志平教授给予本研究大力支持