
准东露天煤矿边坡煤体松动范围探测与确定 被引量:2

Detection and Determination of Seam Releasing Zone in Slope of Zhundong Surface Mine
摘要 准东露天矿边坡台阶的煤体在开挖扰动及风化与极端气候条件作用下,其结构空间变异性显著,煤层自然发火倾向严重。采用数字式岩体松动范围测试与光学钻孔窥视系统,对采动影响下的煤体松动与破裂范围进行探测,比较分析结果表明:随台阶水平加高,同一水平内煤体松动与风化程度差异大,松动与破坏范围最小值约0.4m,最大1.8~2.0m;不同水平煤体风化与松动呈现明显变异性,为优化开采设计和煤自燃防治提供定量依据。 Under the mining and excavation interferences, weathering and ultra climate conditions, the variability of the structure space in the bench seam of the slope of Zhundong Surface Mine was obvious and the spontaneous combustion tendency of the seam was serious. The digital rock released scope measurement and optical borehole survey system were applied to survey the seam released and broken scope under the mining influences. The comparison analysis results showed that with the bench level increased, the releasing and weathering degree of the seam in the same horizontal level was different, the rain scope was about 0. 4 m and max scope was ranging from 1.8 to 2. 0 m. The releasing and weathering in the different level seams had obvious variability, which could provide the quantitative basis to optimize the mining design and prevent and control the coal spontaneous combustion.
出处 《煤炭科学技术》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第3期5-7,11,共4页 Coal Science and Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(10772144) 教育部西部矿井开采与灾害防治省部共建重点实验室资助项目(09JS018)
关键词 露天煤矿 采动影响 煤体破碎特征 数字化探测 定量确定 surface mine mining influences broken features of seam digitalized detection quantitative determination
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