
清明祭祖节俗的城市化进程——以香港“清明思亲法会”为中心 被引量:6

Ancestral Worship Ceremony on Qingming Festival in the Process of Urbanization:a Case Study on Qingming Services Commemorating the Ancestors in Hong Kong
摘要 清明祭祖节俗依附于中国传统农业社会对土地的依赖。随着社会城市化进程日益加快,香港清明习俗并未因为取消土葬而日渐式微,反而衍生出清明思亲法会的新节俗。这意味着传统清明祭祖的仪式空间由户外转向室内,参与仪式的主体由个体家庭转为群体,仪式目的从传统的思亲报恩扩大到了具有公益性质的慈善事业。2008年清明节被列为中国内地法定假日之后,香港清明祭祖的新节俗,也已经在部分内地城市如温州、三亚等地出现。 Ancestral worship customs on Qingming Festival attached to the traditional Chinese land--dependent society. With the ever--accelerating process of urbanization, the Hong Kong Qingming customs did not perish on the abolition of burial customs,instead,it grow out a new festival customs called Qingming services commemorating the ancestors. This means that ritual space of Qingming ancestor worshipping ceremony turned from the outdoor to indoor,the ceremony participants from individual families to the groups,and the ritual aim also extended the individual concern to the public charity. From 2008 with the Qingming Festival being listed as a statutory holiday in China's Mainland, Hong Kong's new Qingming festival customs have been appearing in some mainland cities such as Wenzhou and Sanya.
作者 吴真
出处 《西北民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第1期171-177,共7页 Journal of Northwestern Ethnic Studies
基金 南开大学人文社会科学校内青年项目(NKQ08037)成果之一
关键词 清明节祭祖 城市化 传统节日 宗教仪式 ancestral worship ceremony on Qingming Festival, process of urbanization, traditional festival, religious ritual
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