
主族控制下的族群杂居村落 权力的文化网络视角 被引量:3

An Ethnically Mixed Village under Clan Control:From the Perspective of Cultural Nexus of Power
摘要 本文借助"权力的文化网络"视角,深层再现云南省一个少数民族山区——蚌岚河槽(村庄)传统主族控制和毕摩操控的村落政治格局。作者认为,1949年以前槽区的社会政治局面是主族控制和毕摩操控,主族及其首领毕摩依靠乡村文化网络获得权威和认受性,他们在权力的文化网络中发挥着组织领导的作用,凭借对乡村文化网络(族群内部的宗族关系和宗教信仰以及族群关系等)的操控,主族及其首领毕摩有力地控制着乡村社会。 From the perspective of cultural nexus of power, this article profoundly presents the political structure of an ethnically mixed mountainous village, Benglan Hecao in Yunnan Province, which was traditionally controlled by the main clan and Bimuo the Chief. The author argues that the sociopolitical situation before 1949 was manipulated by the main clan and Bimuo the Chief, who acquired their authority and legitimacy by the rural cultural nexus and played an organizational leadership role in this cultural power nexus. Via manipulating the rural cultural nexus (the intra-clan kinships and religious beliefs and inter-clan relationships), the main clan and its Chief Bimuo were firmly in control of this rural society.
作者 张和清
出处 《社会》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期20-44,共25页 Chinese Journal of Sociology
基金 凯瑟克基金会和米索尔基金会的经费资助 中山大学"211"和"985"经费的支持~~
关键词 主族控制 权力 文化网络 cultural nexus, main clan control, power
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