
静息心率对心脏性猝死风险的预测价值 被引量:1

Predictive vales of baseline resting heart rate in risk of sudden cardiac death events
摘要 目的探讨静息心率(RHR)水平对心脏性猝死(SCD)风险的预测价值。方法2006—07—01开始对有完整查体资料的预测价值,煤矿职工75788例(男59874例,女15914例,年龄18~86岁)进行3年的观察。发现SCD患者80例。从研究队列健康人群中为每一例入选患者匹配2例对照(共160例)。比较两组间基线1RHR水平,分析RHR水平与SCD事件发生的相对危险。结果SCD患者基线RHR水平为(76.8±10.6)次/min,显著高于对照组[(72.4±8.4)次/min,P〈0.01]。RHR与SCD事件的发生风险相关,RHR水平〉80次/min者发生SCD事件的风险是RHR水平〈80次/min者的2.603倍(95%CI1.195~5.67,P〈0.05)。结论基线RHR对SCD事件风险有预测价值,基线RHR水平较高者(〉80次,min]发生SCD的风除明昂增加。 Objective To study the predictive value of baseline resting heart rate(RHR) in the risk of sudden cardiac death (SCD) events. Methods In a retrospective, nested, case-control study, 75 788 coal mine staff and workers undergoing health examination, 59 876 males and 15 914 females, aged 18-86, were observed for 3 years and one month, and 80 cases of SCD were identified. 160 age, sex, and smoking history-matched healthy persons were selected fro the examination cohort to be used as controls. The relationship between the baseline RHR level and the risk of SCD was analyzed. Results The average baseline RHR level of the SCD group was (76.8±10.6) bpm, significantly higher than that of the control group [(72.4±8.4) bpm, P〈 0.01]. The risk RHR and the incidence of SCD was significantly correlated. The risk coefficient of the individuals with the baseline RHR level 〉80 bpm was 2.603 times that of the individuals with the baseline RHR 〈80 bpm(95% CI 1.195-5.671,/9〈0.05 ). Conclusion Baseline level of RHR is negatively correlated with the risk of SCD. The risk of SCD is higher in those with the baseline RHR〉80 bpm.
出处 《中国急救复苏与灾害医学杂志》 2010年第3期227-229,251,共4页 China Journal of Emergency Resuscitation and Disaster Medicine
关键词 静息心率 心脏性猝死 风险因素 巢式病例对照研究 Resting heart rate(RHR) Sudden cardiac death(SCD) Risk factor Nested case-control study
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