
基于全生命周期理论的严寒地区建筑低碳发展潜力初探--以吉林省长春市为例 被引量:6

Preliminary Analysis on Potential Development of Construction Business with Low-carbon Economy in Cold Regions Based on the Full Life-Cycle Theory:A Case Study on Changchun City
摘要 节约能源是我国的基本国策,在我国目前经济建设高速发展的情况下,建筑用能也在不断提高,这对我国能源供应和环境保护造成了巨大压力。建筑行业作为我国的耗能大户,并且是节能潜力最大的用能领域[1],逐渐成为节能工作关注的热点和重点。本文在全生命周期理论的基础上,以长春市典型的居住建筑和公共建筑为例,结合能耗模型的建立和计算,分析两种不同建筑类型在其生命周期不同阶段的能源消耗及其对环境产生的影响,探讨采取国家《节能减排综合性工作方案》中建筑节能措施后对建筑物所带来的低碳发展潜力。最后得出:在建筑过程节能方面,应注重建材循环使用所带来的能源效益;而在建筑使用节能方面,则应置力于提高能源的使用效率。 Energy conservation is one of China's basic state policies. In the context of China's rapid growth of economic and social development, energy consumption for construction is expected to keep rising, which would lead China's energy supply and environmental protection under severe pressures. The construction industry, as a large energy-consumption and the largest potential energy-saving field, has become a hot spot in the energy-saving field. In this paper, the authors utilized the full life-cycle theory to analyze energy consumption and its impacts on environment for two different types of buildings and different stages of their life cycles in Changchun City, Jilin Province. In addition, the author explored in detail the potential of low-carbon economic development in the construction industry through adopting a variety of building energy-saving measures from the national 'energy-saving emission reduction integrated program'. Some conclusions are given as follows. As to the energy-saving aspects of the construction processes, it should focus on the benefits brought about by recycling building materials; in the aspects of building use, energy-saving should concentrate on improving energy efficiency. For the former, under certain level of technology conditions and socio-economic development situations, it was found that the energy consumption per unit of the use of building materials and of the construction processes were similar despite its construction methods for the same type of buildings. It was noted that the energy consumption at the stages of demolishing buildings and discarding building materials was quite different. In other words, by taking appropriate measures, it can make building materials and components used in a maximum-recycling way on the phrases of demolishing and discarding building materials. Indeed, the construction system is a unit and building energy conservation is a long and complex project. It should also be noted that China has great potential in building energy-saving and emission reductions while the task is very difficult to be completed in the short run. To achieve this goal, it not only requires a powerful policy and effective construction technology, but also needs to find the solution to launching future building energy-saving work efficiently in terms of specific architectural features of buildings, usage, equipment, system operation, and local weather conditions.
出处 《资源科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第3期499-504,共6页 Resources Science
基金 国家环保公益性行业科研专项(编号:200809151 200809150)
关键词 全生命周期 低碳发展 节能减排 综合性工作方案 严寒地区 长春市 Full life-cycle Low-carbon development Work program about energy-saving and emission reduction
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