
美国政党轮替对教育政策变革的可能性影响——基于“二战”后历届执政党政党纲领中教育政策主张的历史比较分析 被引量:3

Replacement of U.S. Political Parties and Its Possible Impact on the Education Policies Change: based on the Historical and Comparative Analysis of Education Policies Advocated by the Ruling Party's Platform after World War Ⅱ
摘要 本研究选取美国"二战"后历届执政党的政党纲领作为分析视角,以其中相关的教育政策主张作为研究对象,采用文献研究的方法,从纵向角度考察了历次政党轮替后教育政策的变革程度,并从横向角度比较了两大执政党在教育政策主张上的政治倾向性。研究认为,美国政党轮替对教育政策变革的整体影响可能性不大,两大执政党的教育政策具有较高的连贯性。 The study focused on education policies advocated by all the U.S. political ruling party platform after World War II. The paper analyzed the relationship between the replacement of political parties and the change of education policies from the vertical perspective, and compared the difference of the two parties' political ideology by their party platform from the horizontal perspective. The author argued that the replacement of political parties had little effect on the overall change of education policies, and the two ruling party's education policy kept a high consistency.
作者 何伟强
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第4期52-56,共5页 International and Comparative Education
基金 全国教育科学"十一五"规划教育部青年专项课题"美国高等教育创新与竞争力发展的政策研究"(课题编号:EIA080281)的阶段成果之一
关键词 美国 政党政治 政党轮替 政党纲领 教育政策 party politics replacement of parties the party platform education policy
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