
远程英语学习焦虑与对策 被引量:10

Distance English Learning Anxiety:A Survey Study
摘要 焦虑作为影响外语学习的主要情感因素之一,三十年来一直是研究的热点。然而,相关研究基本上是以常规外语学习者作为对象,而对远程外语学习焦虑的研究则凤毛麟角。本文是"远程英语学习的情感因素"的部分研究成果。本研究采用问卷调查和访谈相结合的方法,旨在了解电大英语专业学生的学习焦虑,包括影响学习动力的因素、学生的自我效能感、学习焦虑的具体表现以及学生应对焦虑的做法,并讨论了研究结果对进一步提高电大远程英语教学质量的启示。研究发现,有近一半的学生在电大学习期间由于课程学习任务重、考试难度大、不适应远程学习教材的编写形式和教师方面的原因而学习动力下降,学习效能感普遍较低,尤其是在元认知技能方面。他们的主要焦虑表现集中在与词汇、语法和文体/体裁方面相关的产出性技能上。学生能通过多种途径应对学习焦虑,但是他们似乎更加偏爱自我求助,不喜欢求助他人。本文还从办学机构、教师和学生的角度探讨了如何有效控制或消除学生的学习焦虑的初步设想。 Anxiety is one of the major affective variables which affect foreign language learning and has been on top of the research agenda in the past three decades. Nevertheless,many studies have focused on classroom setting despite the fact that distance foreign language learning has been burgeoning in the past decade. As part of a study into affect in the distance learning of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in China,this article reports findings about distance English learners' anxiety,including factors affecting learn-ing motivation,learners' self-efficacy,anxiety-arousing aspects of distance English learning,and measures taken to deal with anxiety. Findings show that nearly 80% of the students encountered difficulties in their distance English learning and about 70% experienced anxiety. Anxiety-arousing factors included course workload,examination,course material,and the productive skills of speaking and writing especially when related to active use of vocabulary and grammar,as well as style and generic structure. Findings also indicate that students favoured self-help over help-seeking strategies to deal with anxiety. Pedagogical implications are discussed from the perspective of institution,teacher and student.
出处 《中国远程教育》 北大核心 2010年第5期36-41,共6页 Chinese Journal of Distance Education
关键词 远程英语学习 学习焦虑 电大 distance English learning learning anxiety China's Open Universities
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