1Fred Crossland,"Learning to Crop with a Downward Slope"Change,12(July-August1980),转引自 George Keller:Academic Strategy:The Management Revolution in American Higher Education.
2George Keller:Academic Strategy:The Management Revolution in American Higher Education.
3Clark Cerr,"Administration of Higher Education in an Era of Change and Conflict",转引自 George Keller:Academic Strategy:The Management Revolution in American Higher Education.
6Richard·C·Richardson/Kathy Reeves Brace/Patrick M Callan/Joni E Finney.Designing State Higher Education System for a new Century.Greenwood Publishing Group,1998,11.
9C. Hardy, A. Langley, H. Mintzberg, J. Rose.Strategy Formation in the University Setting [A]. J. Bess.College and University Organization:Insight for the Behavioral Science [ C ].New York : New York Uni- versity Press, 1984 : 192.