
地震干扰后恢复群落物种组成与生物量分配特征 被引量:8

Species Composition and Biomass Allocation in Restoration Community after Earthquake in Wanglang Nature Reserve
摘要 在对四川王朗自然保护区地震干扰后恢复群落(群落E)大量调查的基础上,通过收获法研究了群落E草本层的物种组成和生物量分配特征,并与未受干扰的原始林群落(群落F)相比较,结果表明:群落E中科、属、种丰富度、草本层总生物量均显著低于群落F。群落E地上生物量、地下生物量、草本及灌木物种生物量也均显著低于群落F,并且2种群落生物量均主要分布于地上及草本植物;群落E生物量主要分布于针刺悬钩子(Rubus pungens)、掌裂蟹甲草(Cacalia palmatisec-ta)和宽翅香青(Anaphalis latialata)3个物种,而群落F生物量主要分布于短尾铁线莲(Clematisbrevicaudata)、针刺悬钩子和长果升麻(Souliea vaginata)3个物种。研究表明,土壤是地震干扰后群落恢复速度及生物量大小的主要限制因子。 The importance of forest biomass has attracted a great deal of experimental and theoretical attention,while attention is rarely paid to biomass of restoration community destroyed by earthquake in Wanglang Nature Reserve,Sichuan Province,China.In order to fully understand about the species composition and biomass allocation in restoration community,we conducted community investigations by randomly setting three sample plots(each with a size of 20 m×20 m) in restoration community and primary community respectively.Each plot was divided into 16 subplots(5 m×5 m),in which we set one quadrat(1 m×1 m) and all herb layer plant materials were put in pockets returning the laboratory.These plant materials were sorted by species.The species materials were divided into above-and under-ground parts,then over-dried at 80℃ to constant weight.The study showed that the family,genera and species richness in the community E were lower than in the community F.Community F had higher above-and under-ground biomass,herbaceous species and shrub seeding biomass.Biomass allocated mainly in above-ground and herbaceous species in the community E and the community F.In the same time,biomass in the community E distributed mainly in Rubus pungens,Cacalia palmatisecta and Anaphalis latialata,while the community F mainly in Clematis brevicaudata,Rubus pungens and Souliea vaginata.The soil was the key limiting factor which restricted species composition and biomass in community restoration after earthquake.
出处 《西北林学院学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第3期1-6,共6页 Journal of Northwest Forestry University
基金 国家林业局保护司项目(AT0410) 国家"十一五"科技支撑项目(2008BADB0B04)
关键词 恢复群落 物种组成 生物量分配 四川 restoration community species composition biomass allocation Sichuan
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