
程序升温-电子捕获气相色谱法测定地下水中有机氯农药 被引量:3

Determination of organochlorine pesticides in groundwater by PTV-GC-ECD
摘要 对程序升温-电子捕获气相色谱进样温度、进样压力和分流程序进行优化,建立地下水中有机氯农药高灵敏度检测方法。与传统的分流/不分流分析方法相比,该方法将进样体积由1μL增加到30μL,仪器检测限由2.0 ng/L降低到0.1 ng/L。同时减少样品取样量和有机溶剂用量,缩短样品前处理时间,提高分析效率,节省分析成本,有利于全国地下水大批量地质调查样品的分析工作。 Based on the optimization of parameters (injection temperature, injection pressure, and inlet splitter program) of the programmed temperature vaporizer-gas chromatography-electron capture detector (PTV-GC-ECD), a high- sensitivity analysis method for organochlorine pesticides in groundwater was developed. In comparison with the conventional inlet/non-inlet splitter method, the injection volume of the sample was increased from 1 μL to 30μL, and the detection limit was decreased from 2.0 ng/L to 0.1 ng/L. The amount of the sample, dosage of organic solvent, and time of pretreatment were reduced. The analysis efficiency increased, and the cost was also reduced. The method is suitable for the analysis of a large amount of groundwater samples.
出处 《水资源保护》 CAS 2010年第2期74-76,共3页 Water Resources Protection
基金 国家地质实验测试中心基础科研业务项目(200607CSJ09)
关键词 程序升温-电子捕获气相色谱法 有机氯农药 地下水 PTV-GC-ECD organochlorine pesticides underground water
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