

Textile Exports Rebound
摘要 2010年我国纺织行业产品出口将摆脱负增长,实现5%左右的同比增速,并有望在未来3-5年保持5%-8%的增长。 Textile industry has led the way of Chinese exports since the country’s open- up in 1978. But in 2008 and 2009, China’s textile exports suffered a slowdown as the fi nancial tsunami spread. The cumulative value of Chinese textile exports fell by a year-on-year rate of 11.3 percent to $136.29 billion. It was the greatest decreasing amplitude in recent years. The trend ceased in November 2009, when the textile exports began to revive. Then in December the export value increased by 25.1 percent compared with the same period of last year, and the growth scope also climbed to 4.48 percent. Though this situation may be unstable in the near future, the textile exports will undoubtedly grow in 2010. Some factors will boost the growth. China hammered out policies to adjust and revitalize the textile industry On 24 April 2009. These will bring about desirable effects in 2010. And the overseas markets have been reviving. In 2010 the U.S. people may buy more clothes as the American economy steps out of the crisis. This will be the leading force to urge Chinese textile exports. And the emerging markets, such as India, Pakistan and Bangladesh will also contribute.
作者 王鹤鸣
出处 《中国海关》 2010年第3期86-87,8,共2页
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