
原发性气管腺样囊性癌的多层螺旋CT诊断 被引量:5

Diagnosis of multi-detector spiral CT in primary adenoid cystic carcinoma of the trachea
摘要 目的探讨原发性气管腺样囊性癌的MSCT征象,评价图像后处理技术的应用价值。方法回顾性总结15例经手术病理证实的气管腺样囊性癌的MSCT表现,并结合多种图像后处理技术,如多平面重建(MPR)、容积再现技术(VR)、CT仿真支气管镜(VB)图像进行分析诊断。结果15例原发性气管腺样囊性癌患者,年龄27~55岁,平均年龄为40.6。病灶位于气管上段8例(53.3%)、中段5例(26.7%)、下段3例(20%)。病灶好发于气管侧后壁及后壁。根据病变的CT表现可分为三种类型,(1)管腔内广基底结节或肿块型,(2)沿管壁浸润状增厚型,(3)管腔内外生长型。结论MSCT可作为诊断气管肿瘤的首选检查方法。 Objective To investigate characteristics of MSCT of the primary adenoid cystic carcinoma of the trachea and evaluate application values of the image post - processing technique. Methods Retrospective summary was conducted on MSCT findings in 15 cases with primary adenoid cystic carcinoma of the trachea, which had been confirmed by pathological examination, combined with a variety of image post-processing techniques, such as muhiplanar reconstruction(MRP) , volume rendering(VR) , CT virtual bronchoscopy( VB ) image to analysis and diagnosis. Results Of the 15 patients with primary adenoid cystic carcinoma of the trachea, age range was 27 to 55 years ( mean age of 40. 6 years). The location showed 8 cases (53.3 % ) in the upper part of the trachae,5 cases(26. 7% ) in the middle part of the trachae, and 3 cases ( 20% ) in the lower part of the trachae. Lesions occurred predominantly in the latero-posterior and posterior wall of the trachea. According to the fingdings of CT, the lesions could be divided into three types:①broadly basal intraluminal nodules or masses ;② thickening type with infiltration along the wall;③ the growth pattern with intraluminal and outside. Conclusion The thin axial MSCT with MPR, VR, VB images can display the morphological features of the tracheal adenoid cystic carcinoma and the accurate position finely. The morphological eharacterisics also contribute to the qualitative diagnosis, and provide reliable imaging informations for clinical treatment. MSCT can be used as a preferred method in the diagnosis of the tracheal tumor.
作者 甘新莲 艾涛
出处 《临床肺科杂志》 2010年第5期679-681,共3页 Journal of Clinical Pulmonary Medicine
关键词 气管肿瘤 腺样囊性癌 体层摄影术 X线计算机 tracheal tumors adenoid cystic carcinmna tomography X-ray computed
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