
诉讼参与人的情态表达分析及其人际意义 被引量:3

Analysis of the Modal Expressions of Lawsuit Participants and their Interpersonal Meanings
摘要 以Halliday系统功能语言学为理论依据,以刑事审判话语为研究对象。首先,结合具体刑事审判语境,整体考察一场刑事审判中诉讼参与人的情态表达及其人际意义。然后,又具体分析公诉人和被告人的情态表达特点及其言语实现方式。揭示刑事审判中诉讼参与人使用情态表达的总体趋向,说明诉讼参与人对情态表达的选择与他们的特定角色有关,并探求其法律上的相关解释和依据。 Applying Halliday's systematic functional linguistics as theoretical basis, this paper carries out researches on discourses in criminal lawsuits. Firstly, using actual courtroom discourses, the paper holistically investigates the modal expressions of lawsuit participants and their interpersonal meanings in a criminal lawsuit. It then analyzes the features of the modal expressions of the prosecutors and defendants, in an effort to unveil the general trend of lawsuit participants' use of modal expressions, illustrate that their choices of modal expressions are related to their respective roles and search for their legal explanations and proofs
作者 李诗芳
出处 《北京理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2010年第2期120-123,127,共5页 Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology:Social Sciences Edition
基金 黑龙江省哲学社会科学研究资助项目(08E067)
关键词 情态表达 人际意义 刑事审判 诉讼参与人 modal expressions interpersonal meanings criminal iustice lawsuit partieioant
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