1认识 很早以前,蒙医学对类风湿关节炎就有较为明确地认识。各个时期的蒙医学经典著作均有比较明确地记载。称其为。图来”病(Tulie)。蒙医学认为本病的病因为“奇苏”与“赫依”相搏引起。其病缘为长期或过分食用辛辣、酸性食物,以及长期过度劳累或用力过猛,暴食后长期闲居、昼问睡眠过度等为致病因缘。
RA,which was deemed one of the difficult diseases by WHO, is popular and chronic and seriously hurt people's health and the capacity for physical labour. It has high morbidity not only at cold north part of the country but also the warm south part . The morbidity of RA is 0.32% - 0.36% in our country and it has been one of the main reasons that cause disability and the loss of the work force . BA is a symmetrical polyarthritis which mostly damage small joints espeeially the finger joint. The illness is chronic and recurrent ,so it seriously affect people's ability to live independently,Serious immediate influence ability to work and quality. So the correct and effective therapy of RA is a highly important problem in medical domain. Modem medicine still doesnt have effective meth- od to cure completely and prevent RA at present , so seeking the traditional medical therapy of the disease is necessary for the clin- ical work, and is also a good deed which have high social effect. RA is regarded to Tulle in Mongolian Medicine. Mongolian Medicine have definite recordation on its aotiology,pathological mechanism and therapy. It emphasizes not only endotherapy but a drug for topical application, soaking in hot spring bath and other necessary treatments is important, and they should be combined organic. Now Mongolian Medicine gains good results on the treatment of RA. Whtle because most of doctorsI or patient ) didnt pay atten- tion to the partial therapy, the effect is not satisfied. The article emphasizes that people should pay attention to the principle of combination of endotherapy and partial therapy in Mongolian Medicine in order to improve the curative affect in clinical work and provide effective method to release patients'paln at the same time.
Journal of Medicine and Pharmacy of Chinese Minorities