Based on hydrometric and precipitation data,a study has been made on the temperal variation in the drainage area between Hekouzhen and Longmen in the Yellow River basin. It has been found that the trend of sediment yield changed from increasing in the period 1986-1996 to decreasing in the period 1997-2007. During the period 1986-1996,the mean annual sediment yield was 5.08×108 t,but it decreased to 2.338×108 t for the period 1997-2007,decreased by 54.1%. As an overall tendency,the annual sediment yield in the Heliuzhen-Longmen area decreased,but there were some secondary trends. The annual sediment yield decreased to a minimum appeared in 1986,then increased to a maximum in 1996,followed by a decrease. For the period 1998-2006,the squared correlation coefficient r^2 between annual sediment yield and annual precipitation was as low as 0.017,indicating that the variation in sediment yield is not dependent on the variation in precipitation. This means that human activity has greatly changed the "normal" relationship between sediment yield and precipitation,and become the dominant control for sediment yield. After 1997,the relationship between annual sediment yield and annual runoff has also been totally changed. Since 1970,the sediment reduction rate (defined as the ratio of sediment reduction by soil and water conservation measures to the sediment yield in the supposed condition of unchanged precipitation) shows a complicated variation. It is increased to a maximum,then decreased to a minimum,followed by an increase. The contribution of human activity to the reduction in sediment yield showed an increasing trend. In the period 1998-2006,it was 65%,and the contribution of precipitation was only 35%. The marked decrease in sediment yield after 1997 can be explained by the enhanced soil and water conservation measures,the large-scale implementation of "replacing cultivated land by forestation" ,building of large number of check-dams for sediment trapping,putting the practice of "closing hillsides to facilitate affrestation" in large area,and large-scale transferring of surplus rural labors.
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
sediment and runoff variation
Erosion and sediment yield
human activity
Middle Yellow River