
运用半定量食物频率调查法评估拉萨农村藏族婴幼儿母亲的膳食结构 被引量:10

Study on the dietary pattern assessed with semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire among rural Tibetan women with children younger than 2 years in Lhasa city
摘要 目的了解2岁以下藏族农村儿童的母亲膳食结构特点。方法采用半定量食物频率问卷于2008年对拉萨农村2岁以下藏族儿童的母亲进行横断面调查。结果共调查386名农村2岁以下藏族儿童母亲,平均年龄28.5岁,平均受教育年限为4.6年。其家庭人均消费植物油25.9g/d,显著低于全国平均水平(P〈0.01),动物性油脂中酥油、糖和盐的人均每日消费量分别为27.8g、12.9g和14.8g,显著高于全国平均水平(P〈0.01)。共调查91种食物,其中22种食物的中位摄人频率为每周一次及以上。因子分析提取三个主要因子,反映三种膳食结构类型,第一因子是植物性膳食结构,其特点是以蔬菜、谷类、水果为主,辅以少量肉类、奶和豆制品,是该人群的主导膳食;第二因子是藏族特色膳食,主要摄入以糌粑为代表的富有藏族特色的食物,辅以简单蔬菜;第三因子是以肉类和奶制品为主的膳食,富有藏族特色。妇女每日平均摄入能量2097.02kcal,达到膳食营养素参考摄入量(RNI)的91.2%,蛋白质的摄入量只达到RNI的82%,维生素A摄人量只相当于RNI的34.7%,钙、铁和锌的摄入量相当于RNI的64.6%、174.1%和150.7%。65%的能量来自谷类,动物性食物只提供了7.4%的能量和15.5%的蛋白质,57.6%的铁来自糌粑。结论拉萨农村2岁以下藏族儿童母亲的膳食以植物性食物为主,膳食结构单调,存在蛋白质、能量及微营养素摄入不足。 Objective To explore the dietary pattern of rural Tibetan women with children under 2 years of age. Methods A cross-sectional survey on dietary pattern together with a semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire was conducted among Tibetan women in rural Lhasa in 2008. Results 386 women were investigated with the average age as 28.5 years old and average schooling-years as 4.6. For each member in the woman' s family, daily intake of vegetable oil was 25.9 g on average. Daily intake of butter, sugar and salt were 27.8 g, 12.9 g and 14.8 g respectively, which were higher than figures from national nutrition and health survey (P〈 0.01 ). Among 91 kinds of food under investigation, only 22 kinds with the frequencies of consumption more than 1 time per day. Three main factors were derived by factor analysis. The first factor represented vegetable pattern characterized with vegetables, grains, fruits and a few animal foods. It was a dominant pattern for the subjects, which explained nearly 10% variance. The second one was Tibetan style pattern in which Tibetan foods and a few vegetables were consumed. The last one called meats and milk products pattern also reflected the Tibetan dietary style. Daily intake of energy for women was 2097.02 kcal which met 91.2% of Chinese recommended nutrients intake (RNI). Daily intake of protein and fat reached 82% of RNI and vitamin A but only 34.7% on RNI. Daily intake of calcium, iron and zinc reached 64.6%, 174.1% and 150.7% of RNI, receptively. Grains provided 65% of energy but only 7.4% of the energy and 15.5% of protein were from animal foods. "Tsampa" provided 57.6% of iron. Conclusion Vegetable pattern had been the dominant dietary pattern among Tibetan women in rural Lhasa. Intake of energy, protein and some micronntrients were not sufficient.
出处 《中华流行病学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期394-399,共6页 Chinese Journal of Epidemiology
基金 国家自然科学基金(300771835) 拉萨市卫生局和城关区卫生局及参加调查的娘热乡、蔡公堂乡、夺底乡、纳金乡育龄妇女及西藏大学医学院参与调查的同学和老师
关键词 膳食结构 育龄妇女 藏族 Dietary pattern Women of childbearing age Tibetan
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