
以“学”为中心:美国精英文理学院教学特点分析 被引量:6

Students' Learning Centered:Analysis on the Characteristics of Teaching Process in the Selective Liberal Arts College in the United States
摘要 独具特色的美国小型私立寄宿制精英文理学院有许多值得借鉴的优秀本科教育实践。本文根据在美国麦克莱斯特学院的课堂参与式观察、访谈和课程教学大纲等教学材料,通过重点描述和分析一门课程的备课、课堂教学、作业及反馈、课程考核及课程效果等几个环节,发现其教学过程特点可以归纳为以学生的"学"为中心,而不是以教师的"教"为中心,具体表现为教师在教学过程中很重视学生的参与和融入。这一结论,可以用阿斯丁的学生参与理论和其他相关研究来解释。 The small,residential and selective liberal arts colleges are considered to have the best undergraduate education practices in the United States.Based on lots of participant class observation,interview and acquired course syllabi in Macalester College,this paper focuses on a particular and typical course's teaching process,exploring the characteristics of the teaching process in the selective liberal arts college.It is found that the teaching process proves to be student's learning oriented,instead of teacher's teaching centered,and students' involvement in the learning process is especially emphasized through describing,analyzing and discussing the course design,class size and class activity,course assignments and the feedback to the assignments,course review and course effects.This finding can also be explained by Astin's Student Involvement Theory as well as supported by Pascarelle's some research finding on the liberal arts colleges.This paper also provides some suggestions to China's undergraduate education.
作者 王春春
出处 《高等工程教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期128-133,共6页 Research in Higher Education of Engineering
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