在分析了移动环境的特点以及传统J2ME应用程序Web Services调用的问题之后,针对传统移动环境下调用Web Ser-vices存在的问题,提出了基于Mobile Agent并结合订阅的Web Services调用模型,讨论了该模型的原理以及方法,提出了简单消息通信模式、代理服务器和订阅机制以及移动代理迁移策略。最后,结合该改进模型在中石化胜利油田中的实际应用,总结了它适用于移动环境的几个特点,比较了改进模型与传统模型调用Web Services的效率,表明了其正确性和适用性。
After analyzing the characteristics of mobile environment and the way web services invoked in traditional computing environment, according to the problems of the applying of traditional J2ME C/S computing model in mobile computing environment, a new model of web services subscription investigating is proposed.Then principle and methods are discussed.Simple-message-communication, proxy server and subscription method and the migration strategies of mobile agent are proposed.Finally, combined with the application in Sinopec Shengli oilfield of the model, some features that is suitable for the mobile computing environment is discussed and effectioness using web service of improved model and tradition model is compared, and the model is proven correct and applicable.
Computer Engineering and Design