
焦虑障碍患者性别及文化程度差异与其心理特征 被引量:7

Psychological characteristics and difference in gender and education of patients with anxiety disorders
摘要 目的通过对焦虑障碍患者个性倾向、自我效能感、焦虑特质等影响因素的相关研究,探讨不同性别不同文化程度焦虑障碍患者的心理特征。方法采用病例对照研究,对144例焦虑障碍患者和144例健康人利用中国人个性量表-情感量表(CPA12-E),贝克焦虑自评量表(BAI)、汉密尔顿焦虑量表(HAMA)、焦虑-状态特质问卷(STAI)、自我效能感量表(GSES)评定。结果(1)女性患者抑郁因子、躯体紧张子因子分高于男性(P〈0.05),而男性的性兴趣因子得分高于女性,差异具有显著性意义(P〈0.05或P〈0.01);(2)不同文化程度焦虑障碍患者躯体症状因子和躯体化因子得分存在显著差异(P〈0.05),文化程度较低者得分较高。结论(1)男性性习惯趋向不良高于女性,而女性抱怨等消极情感倾向和敏感、易激惹的躯体症状倾向突出,自我效能感更低;(2)低文化程度患者较多存在躯体症状和躯体化个性倾向。 Objective To explore Psychological characteristics and Difference in gender and education of patients with anxiety disorders via observation on personality orientation, anxiety trait and general self--efficacy. Methods By case--matched study, 144 patients with anxiety disorders and 144 normal controls were evaluated using the CPAI2--E, Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAD, Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAMAS), State- Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) and General Self--efficacy Scale (GSES). Results (1)The scores in anxiety factor and anxiety factor were higher in female patients than that in male patients (P 〈 0.05). The scores in sexual maladjustment factor, however, is significantly higher in male patients than that in female patients (P 〈 0.05). (2)The was a significant difference in the physical syndrome factor and somatization factor in patients with different civilization degrees, the higher score was found in patients with lower civilization degree. Conclusions (1) The sexual maladjustment of male is higher compared to female, while the female had more passive emotion tendency, sensitivity, irritability somatization and lower general perceived self--efficacy. (2)Patients with lower civilization degree generally have more significant tendency in physical symptoms and somatization.
出处 《神经疾病与精神卫生》 2010年第1期11-13,共3页 Journal of Neuroscience and Mental Health
基金 河南省科技厅科技攻关项目(0524410054)志谢:感谢香港中文大学张妙清教授,中科院心理研究所张建新教授为本研究提供了量表和悉心指导!
关键词 焦虑障碍 个性倾向 性*q差异 文化程度 Anxity disorder Psychological characteristics Civilization degree Gender difference
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