
大学英语教师英汉语码转换动因 被引量:3

The Causes of College English Teachers' Adoption of English-Chinese Code-switching
摘要 语码转换(code-switching)指语篇中两种或多种语言的交替使用。作为其具体实例之一的大学英语课堂,语码转换现象非常普遍;为了有效地进行交际并取得良好的教学效果,教师常常不同程度地采用英汉两种语码进行授课。以5位大学英语教师课堂教学为语料借助语言顺应理论着重探讨大学英语课堂教师语码转换的主要动因。 Code-swithcing is the alternating use of two or more languages in discourse.College english teachers often adopt English-Chinese code-switching in different degree to achive effective communication and better teaching results in college english classroom where code-switching as a common phenomenon occurs a lot.The paper attempts to explore the causes of college english teachers' adoption of English-Chinese code-switching via the Adaptation Theory on the basis of five collge english teachers' classroom talk.
作者 李冬艳
出处 《河北理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第1期175-177,共3页 Journal of Hebei Polytechnic University:Social Science Edition
关键词 大学英语教师 语码转换 顺应性 动因 college english teachers code-switching adaptability causes
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