1Samuel, N.C.Lieu,Manichaeism in the Later Roman Empire and Madieval China,a Historical Survey, Chapter Ⅱ (pp. 54-59), Manchester University Press, 1985.
2Dodge, The Fihrist, p. 776.note 149.
3Mary Boyce,A Reader in Manicbaean Middle Persian and Parthian.pp.4-7,E.J.Brill,Leiden, 1975.
6Gardner, The Kephalaia, 26^11-20,26^33-34,27^1-6,31^8-16.
7Gnosis on the Silk Road, by Hans-Joachim Klimkeit, New York, 1993.
8The Apocryphon of John, pp.106,107,108,tr, by Frederic Wisse, in James M.Robinson (General Editor), The Nag Hammadi Library in English,E.J.Brill,Leiden, 1988,Revised edition.
9F.C.Burkitt, The Rehgion of the Manichees, p.29,London,Cambridge University Press,1925.