1United States Department of Agriculture. NSLP Fact Sheet [EB/OL].http://www.fns.usda.gov/cnd/Lunch/AboutLunch/NSLPFactSheet.pdf, 2008-07/2010-02-12..
2Gordon W. Gunderson. The National School Lunch Program Background and Development [M].US Government Printing Office, 1971 : 7.
3United States Department of Agriculture. Eligibility Manual for School Meals [EB/OL].http://www.fns.usda.gov/cnd/Govemance/notices/iegs/EligbilityManual .pdf, 2008-01/2010-02-12.
4The Progress of School Feeding Service in China [EB/OL].http://www.mineducacion.gov.co/1621/articles- 110895_archi vo_pdf4.pdf, 2006-10-10/2010-02-12.
5Donald Bundy, Carmen Burbano, Margaret Grosh, Aulo Gelli, Matthew Jukes, Lesley Drake. Rethinking School Feeding: Social Safety Nets, Child Development, and the Education Sector [M].The World Bank, 2009: 39.
7United States Department of Agriculture. NSLP Fact Sheet [ EB/OL ]. http://www, fns. usda. gov/cnd/ Lunch/AboutLunch/NSLPFactSheet. pdf, 2005 - 07/ 2010 -02 - 12.
8Gordon W Gunderson. The National School Lunch Pro- gram Background and Development [ M ]. US Govern- ment Printing Office, 1971:7.
9United States Department of Agriculture. Eligibility Man- ual for School Meals [ EB/OL]. http :Hwww. fns. usda. gov/cnd/Governance/notices/iegs/EligibilityManual. 2008 - 01/2010 - 02 - 12.