
空灵意境的营造与动态结构的平衡——中西诗学话语中的空白观对比研究 被引量:4

The Creation of Void State and Balance in Dynamic Structure——On "Blank" in Chinese and Western Poetics
摘要 "空白"是中西诗学理论的共享术语。两种空白观都关注言意关系,研究读者审美视界中空白的辅助性功能,体现出作家认识世界和表现世界的维度。文化语境的不同决定了中西空白内涵的不同。中国的空白观深受道教与禅宗文化的影响,以营造艺术的空灵境界为目的,以达到天人合一为指归。西方学者对空白的理解受到结构主义的影响,其思考也在这一框架下展开,主要研究空白与作品意义的关系,审美的指归是构建一个动态结构的平衡。 "Leaving Blank" is mentioned both in Chinese poetics and in the western poetics.What is in common is that both of them pay attention to the relationship between language and meaning.Both study the auxiliary function of the readers,and embody the perspective from which an author recognizes and represents the world.However,different cultural contexts prescribe different connotations of "blank" in China and the west.Chinese "leaving blank" is affected by Taoism and Zen Buddhism culture,which aims at the creation of a void state,and finally reaches the aim of "Harmony of Nature and Human Beings".Westerners' understanding of "leaving blank " is influenced by structurism,whose thinking is also revolved around structurism.The final goal for aesthetics is to set up a dynamic balance within the frame of structure.
作者 王萍 王冬梅
出处 《东北师大学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期113-117,共5页 Journal of Northeast Normal University(Philosophy and Social Science Edition)
基金 吉林省社会科学基金项目(2009B041) 吉林省教育厅"十一五"社会科学研究项目(吉教科文合字[2008]第461号)
关键词 空白 空灵意境 动态结构 blank void state dynamic structure
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