

Research on the Modeling of Domain Ontology in Customer Services
摘要 本体是对领域中的概念及概念间的关系的描述,通过概念之间的关系来描述对象的语义。对客户服务领域知识进行本体建模,有利于知识的共享和检索。本文介绍了本体建模的基本步骤,并结合对客户服务领域知识的分析,给出了客户服务领域的本体模型。 Ontology is the description of the concepts and the relationship between the concepts in the domain, and it denotes the semantic of the objects by the relationship between the concepts. It is useful for the sharing and the retrieval to model the customer service domain ontology. This paper introduces the steps of the ontology modeling. By combining with the analysis of the knowledge in the customer service domain ,we propose an domain ontology model.
作者 刘晓娟
出处 《价值工程》 2010年第7期148-149,共2页 Value Engineering
关键词 本体 领域本体 本体建模 ontology domain ontology ontology modeling
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