
早期不良经历对儿童大脑发育的影响 被引量:12

On the Effects of Negative Early Childhood Experience on Children’s Brain Development
摘要 早期不良经历会对儿童大脑发育造成消极影响,具体表现为脑体积偏小,左脑皮层发育受抑制,连接左右脑的胼胝体发育缓慢,从而抑制左右脑的协调合作,并使边缘系统中的左海马、杏仁核以及与之相关的小脑蚓体体积减小,进而引发多种心理或精神问题,导致个体社会适应能力下降、认知功能受损。本文从神经网络的形成和应激激素分泌的角度阐述早期不良经历对大脑发育产生消极影响的机制,并提出了相应的预防和干预策略。 Negative early childhood experiences exert negative effects on children's brain development, such as smaller brain size, diminishment in right-left hemisphere integration, reduction in the size of left hippocampus, arnygdala and cerebellar vermis which was related to the limbic system. The neurobiological changes were the source of children's mental or psychiatric problems and declined social and cognitive ability. Then the article outlined the mechanism of brain damages caused by negative early childhood experience from the aspect of formation of neural network and secretion of stress hormones and put forward strategies of prevention and intervention for children's negative experience.
作者 张黎 张奇
出处 《幼儿教育(教育科学)》 2010年第4期42-46,共5页 Early Childhood Education(Educational Sciences)
关键词 不良经历 大脑发育 干预 negative experience brain development intervention
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