随着分布式应用的普及,Web Services作为一项新兴技术具有很好的发展前景。本论文首先介绍了Web Services的体系结构;随后通过一个图像缩放处理应用详细描述了构建Web Services的步骤和方法,并通过WSDL文件实现服务器端和客户端的信息交互。最后通过建立UDDI注册中心,完成Web Services的动态注册、发现和绑定,并有效地实现分布式环境下的资源共享和协同工作。
As distributed applications are used widely,Web Services as an emerging technology has good prospects for development.The paper introduces the architecture of Web Services firstly;then the steps and methods of building Web Services are described through an example of image resizing.The communication between servers and clients is implemented by WSDL file.Finally the UDDI registration center is built in order to implement dynamic publishing,finding and binding of services,and improve the capabilities of resource sharing and collaborative works in distributed environments.
Control & Automation