
4-5岁幼儿感数能力的发展 被引量:6

On the Subitizing of Young Children Aged 4-5
摘要 感数指通过视觉迅速而准确地识别小数量集合数目(一般在3-6个项目以内)的能力。幼儿感数能力的发展水平在一定程度上反映幼儿数学认知能力的发展水平。本研究以4—5岁幼儿为研究对象,采取二因素混合实验设计,探究数量大小对学前儿童感数活动的影响及其感数能力发展的年龄特点。结果表明:(1)3以内的数量大小对感数成绩的影响差异不显著;当数目大于3时,数量大小对感数成绩的影响差异极显著。(2)当数目在3以内时,4岁和5岁幼儿感数成绩的年龄差异不显著;当数目在4和5时,两个年龄组感数成绩的年龄差异显著;当数目为6时,年龄对感数成绩的影响差异不显著。(3)感数能力具有后天发展的可能,应积极发挥早期教育的作用。 Subitizing is the ability to quickly and accurately identify the quantities of small collections including 3-6 items through vision. Taking 4-5 year old children as participants, this paper uses two factors experimental design to explore what effect the number amount has on early children's subitizing and their age features during the development of subitizing. We should make our best to promote young children's development of subitizing.
作者 刘云艳 高健
出处 《学前教育研究》 北大核心 2010年第4期43-47,共5页 Studies in Early Childhood Education
基金 "重庆市幼儿教师继续教育整体规划与培训模式构建研究"项目(渝继教[2006]4号)的资助
关键词 4-5岁幼儿 感数 数学认知 young children aged 4-5, subitizing, mathematical recognition
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