
中国制造业国际外包与生产率增长——基于服务外包和实物外包的双重度量 被引量:5

International outsourcing and productivity growth of manufacturing sector in China—— Based on the double measurements of service outsourcing and material outsourcing
摘要 本文采用Feenstra和Hanson的国际外包计算方法,使用1987年至2002年的投入产出表和投入产出延长表数据,计算了中国14个制造业行业的服务国际外包和实物国际外包。研究发现制造业国际外包在1997年开始加速增长,高技术行业实物外包水平高于中低技术行业。进一步的面板数据回归结果显示服务外包和实物外包对制造业生产率都有显著正效应,服务外包正效应显著高于实物外包,并且服务外包正效应在1997年后明显提高。 This paper calculates the international service outsourcing and material outsourcing of manufacturing industries,using the method of Feenstra and Hanson and the data of Input/Output table from 1987 to 2002.It finds that international outsourcing of manufacturing industry has increased rapidly since 1997,and that material outsourcing of high-tech industries is greater than that of medium-tech and low-tech manufacturing industries.Further panel data regression indicates that service outsourcing and material outsourcing has an positive effect on manufacturing productivity,the positive effect of service outsourcing on productivity is greater than that of material outsourcing,and what's more,the former has experienced an obviously rise since 1997.
作者 汪丽 贺书锋
出处 《上海经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第3期42-50,共9页 Shanghai Journal of Economics
基金 国家社科基金项目资助(06BJL042) 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NCET20720531) 上海财经大学211三期项目<企业国际化经营与中国产业安全系列研究>(2007330025)
关键词 制造业国际外包 服务外包 实物外包 生产率 manufacturing international outsourcing service outsourcing material outsourcing Productivity
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