阐述了电力系统中Ward静态等值的基本原理、Matcom C++矩阵库的优点、Matcom在V C++6.0环境中的配置。通过12节点例题演示Ward静态等值的主要过程。并简单介绍如何调用Matcom C++矩阵库来实现Ward静态等值的主要过程,目的是为了实现网络的化简以及程序设计的快捷性与可靠性。
The basic principle of Ward static equivalent in power system, the advantage of the Matcom C++ matrix library and the configuration of the Matcom in V C++ 6.0 are expatiated. It also demonstrates the primary processes of ward static equivalent by the example 12 Bus lines. And a brief introduction is giver about how to achieve the Ward static equivalent by calling the Matcom C++ matrix Library. The purpose is to achieve simplification of the network, as well as program design and reliability of fast.
Science Technology and Engineering