The Jianggang tidal ,sedimentaryly belongs to openmarine tidal flat of which the average tidal is about 314m in the shoal near coast. According to the average maximum and minimum tidal line, the tidal sedimentary facies can be divided into subtidal zone, intertidal zone (including high, middle, low tidal flat) and supratidal zone. From low intertidal flat to supratidal zone, the average grain size of sediments is fining and badly sorted. On the subtidal zone, gently wavy alternating coarse silt or fine sand layers characterized by tidal bundles are well developed. On the low intertidal flat, the laminated sand and smallscale ripple crossbedding are found. The middle intertidal flat is thickly interlayered with fine sandcoarse grained silt beddings. The high intertidal flat is characterized by welldeveloped thininterlayerd sandy coarse siltcoarse silt beddings.Due to rapid sedimentation, the organisms have time to rework themselves before buried, the net rate of bioturbation is less than 10%. On supratidal zone, coarse silt and fine silt consist uneven wavy bedding penetrated by hadophilous plant stems and roats. The channels in Jianggang tidal flat are exceptionally developed. The lateral migrating rate of channels is about 120mm per year. Owing to rapid Shifting of channels, the sedimentary textures and structures paralleling the shoreling have been interfered in large areas.
Jiangsu Geology
Tidal Sedimentation Texture Structure Jianggang,Jiangsu