In compact spinning with pneumatic groove,the computational fluid dynamic model,computed with parallel technologies & Fluent 6.3,is developed to simulate the flow field in condensing zone with 3D computational fluid dynamic (CFD) technology.Flowing state,distribution rules of static pressure,and velocity in condensing zone are characterized and analyzed.The results show that the fiber bundle in compact spinning with pneumatic groove is compacted by airflow and the shape of the pneumatic groove,and the static pressure in condensing zone is negative,as well as the velocity of airflow in condensing zone is not zero.The fluctuation frequencies of the static pressure and velocity near the bottom of the pneumatic groove are relatively higher,and the number of the fluctuation is equal to that of the round holes in condensing zone.
In campact spinning with pnemnatic groove, the computational fluid dynamic model, computed with parallel technologies & Fluent 6.3, is developed to simulate the flow field in condensing zone with 3D computational fluid dynamic (CFD) technology. Flowing state, distribution rules of static pressure, and velocity in condensing zone are characterized and analyzed. The results show that the fiber bundle in compact spinning with pneumatic groove is compacted by airflow and the shape of the pneumatic groove, and the static pressure in condensing zone is negative, as well as the velocity of airflow in condensing zone is not zero. The fluctuation frequencies of the static pressure and velocity near the bottom of the pnemnatic groove are relatively higher, and the number of the fluctuation is equal to that of the round holes in condensing zone.